By using Supernatural Brand’s Instant Jungle and Root burst Powder we have come up with one of the most successful ways to get the clones or cuttings you want.
• Root Burst Powder has one of the highest percentages of Indole Butyric Acid, at 0.8%. Root Burst Powder has superior stem adhesion technology which gives you better root growth. It’s in a powder form so it mixes fresh every time and won’t go bad like gels.
• Instant Jungle is our Foliar Feeding supplement prepared in an Aerosol Can for ease of use. It comes out like a mist, which gives you a nice even spray and avoids over spraying. It contains a wetting agent, macro and micro nutrients, and is prepared as the perfect solution.
Directions to for cuttings:
1. Spray Instant Jungle on your mothers to get them moist before you take your cutting.
2. Put some Root Burst Powder in a small cup or shot glass. So you avoid contamination of whole package.
3. Pre-soak your growing medium. If you’re using soil or peat pucks use Super Boost at 150-200ppms. For rockwool use Super Soak at 150ppms.
4. Take your cuttings and dip in powder about an inch up the stem. Then plant in your growing medium.
5. Apply Instant jungle right after and continue to spray cuttings at least once a day. And you can continue to foliar feed the rooted cutting with Instant Jungle.
Having the combination of Root Burst Powder and Instant Jungle as a foliar feed has proven the best success rate for cloning. Because of the fine mist and the formula, Instant Jungle is the Ultimate foliar feed for your un-rooted and rooted cuttings. Instant Jungle can also be used to germinate seeds and as a foliar feeding supplement into your Veg and Flower stages.
For an information video on how to do cuttings the Supernatural